There is a long-standing Jewish tradition of reciting Psalms in times of personal as well as collective distress. A midrash notes that when King David assembled the Psalms, he had in mind himself as well as every Jew in every generation and in every circumstance.
It is clear that the war in Israel will not be over anytime soon, and so I would like to begin as soon as possible, a daily recitation of Psalms. There are 150 Psalms, some of which are well-known for their healing qualities. If you would like to join me in this endeavor, let me know and I will assign you one Psalm to recite every day. If you have a Psalm in mind, let me know as well, so I don’t assign that one to someone else.
Let me also know if you would like to set up a brief time each week to recite the Psalms as a group.
Peace be within your walls, and prosperity within your palaces. For the sake of my brothers and friends, I will speak of peace in your midst. (Ps. 122:7-8)